Haggadahs-R-Us | The Haggadah Store > Products > A Different Night, compact edition, scratch ‘n’ dent

A Different Night, compact edition, scratch ‘n’ dent


We are out of scratch ‘n’ dent at the present time — have plenty of new copies.

These are mostly Amazon returns from the first COVID year.  (Amazon does not treat books respectfully, throws them loose into large cartons for return.)  They are new, but with corner dings or mild scratches on the cover; they cannot be sold in stores.

The Compact edition is, like the Classic, a full traditional haggadah, loaded with art and commentary — just not as much as the Classic version. It does include all of the 4 Children section, and most of the Storytelling. Great for a budget — compare it to the movement haggadot at twice the price!

Look inside the book — pages 4-35 Maggid

SKU: ADNcompact-1 Category:


The Family Participation Haggadah, Compact Edition. 92pp, 8.75×9.5, soft cover. The Compact edition is, like the Classic, a full traditional haggadah, loaded with art and commentary — just not as much as the Classic version. It does include all of the 4 Children section, and most of the Storytelling. Great for a budget — compare it to the movement haggadot at twice the price!

OR, BUY NEW: New copies 6 or more $7.95

Additional information

Weight 0.6 lbs
Dimensions 9.5 × 8.75 × .25 in
Haggadahs-R-Us | The Haggadah Store