Passover Haggadot — deep discounts for quantity orders

These are our best-sellers.


A Different Night, classic edition — The Family Participation Haggadah, first published in 1997, over 165,000 sold.  This is the haggadah that challenged the Maxwell House model of a script, in favor of family members leading/teaching parts of the seder.  Includes 20 representations of the Four Children, going back to 1526; and a Storytellers Supplement.


A Different Night, compact edition — Slimmed down version, full traditional text and most of the popular pieces from the original, including all of the Four Children art.  Very popular for synagogue or Hillel seders.  Over 130,000 sold to date.


A Night to Remember — The Haggadah of Contemporary Voices, the sequel to A Different Night.  Commentators are from the current era, living or recently living, and include not just rabbis, also novelists, poets, political figures.  Art by Michel Kichka.  Published 2007, over 66,000 sold to date.


The Human Rights Haggadah — by Rabbi Shlomo Levin.  A full traditional haggadah, with special sections on workers rights, reproductive rights, and refugees.  Great discussion starters for a family that wants to bring today’s issues into today’s seder.


The Yedid Nefesh Haggadah — by Rabbi Josh Cahan, author of the Yedid Nefesh bencher.  Traditional text, commentary by the author.  Strives to be “the Maxwell House for thr 21st Century,” a book that everyone can use.  Published 2024.


 The Passover Haggadah Graphic Novel — and now, for something completely different!  The haggadah — with full traditional text — told as a graphic novel.  This book isn’t for everybody — but for the “visual learners” at your table, it’s superb!


Richard Codor’s Joyous Haggadah — a children’s cartoon haggadah, ideal for a kids-only seder or a family that wants a very short seder.  Poblished 2008, over 92,000 sold.


Featured Haggadah

A Different Night classic

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A Different Night compact

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A Night to Remember

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Joyous Haggadah

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About Us

What makes a great haggadah?  What makes a great seder?  Haggadahs-R-Us has been answering that question since 1997, mostly with two haggadot by Noam Zion.  The Family Participation Haggadah: A Different Night broke the mold of the American seder in 1997.  It’s a full traditional haggadah, but no Maxwell House, no “Uncle Fred, it’s your turn to read a paragraph.”  It starts with a “Bare Bones Basic” seder, the 30 minutes of stuff you have to do.  But for each part, it offers short texts you can use to start lively discussions.  And 20 versions of the Four Children, spanning 500 years!  In 2007 we added A Night to Remember: The Haggadah of Contemporary Voices — a similar idea, but lavishly illustrated and full of voices that are living or recently living, activities for a children’s seder, or a seder focused on women’s issues, poetry, great stories, Israel & Holocaust, and more.

P.S. This is not a supermarket. We only sell stuff that we have used and love.  A Different Night and A Night to Remember each come with a Seder Planner to help you pick the pieces that will make your seder lively and memorable, and different every year.   And we offer large discounts if you buy 2 or more, even larger for orders of 10 or more. We have a haggadah for children, Richard Codor’s Joyous Haggadah, and one in Spanish, Una Noche de Libertad.  And new: the Yedid Nefesh Haggadah and the Human Rights Haggadah.

See all of our books, benchers, posters, and more.  Have questions about our store, please send us an email and we will do our best to answer you.