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A Day Apart: Shabbat at Home, scratch ‘n’ dent


These are mostly older editions (not laminated) or slightly damaged in transit.

156 pages, full color softcover, 8.75 x 9.5″ oblong

A step-by-step guidebook with Blessings and Songs, Rituals and Reflections

A gorgeous, full-color treatment of shabbat, from preparation to havdalah.  Beautiful art, insights for everyone from newbie to observant-from-birth.

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Noam Zion and Shawn Fields-Meyer do for Shabbat what Noam did for Passover in A Different Night — treat each component, from preparation to havdalah, in loving detail.  Chapters are: Setting the Shabbat Mood; Candlelighting; Shalom Aleichem; Blessing the Children and One Another; Shir Hashirim and Eishet Chayil; Kiddush; Challah; Shabbat Table Talk; Zemirot/Songs; Birkat HaMazon; Oneg Shabbat; Kiddush Rabbah; Havdalah.

Each chapter starts with basics: instructions, brachot, everything translated, transliterated, and explained. But then there is more: a section for beginners, a section for parents, a section of reflections (kavanot), a section of guidelines from the tradition, ideas that will add to anyone’s oneg.

And all the way through . . . lots of art and stories from every corner of the Jewish world.

This book is widely used in rabbis’ classes and conversion courses. It belongs in your library, or that of someone you love.