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A Different Night, compact edition


DISCOUNTS: $7.95 2 or more; $6.95 10 or more; $5.95 44 or more
We are sold out of Scratch-n-Dent copies at this tiome.

The Family Participation Haggadah, Compact Edition. 92pp, 8.75×9.5, soft cover.

The Compact edition is, like the Classic, a full traditional haggadah, loaded with art and commentary — just not as much as the Classic version. It does include all of the 4 Children section, and most of the Storytelling. Great for a budget — compare it to the movement haggadot at twice the price!

This haggadah is commonly used in synagogue and Hillel seders.

Look inside the book — pages 4-35 Maggid

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SKU: ADNcompact Categories: ,

DISCOUNTS: $7.95 2 or more; $6.95 10 or more; $5.95 44 or more

The Family Participation Haggadah, Compact Edition. 92pp, 8.75×9.5, soft cover. The Compact edition is, like the Classic, a full traditional haggadah, loaded with art and commentary — just not as much as the Classic version. It does include all of the 4 Children section, and most of the Storytelling. Great for a budget — compare it to the movement haggadot at twice the price!

WHEN AVAILABLE: Damaged copies (usually Amazon returns) $4.17