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Richard Codor’s Joyous Haggadah, scratch ‘n’ dent


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Most of these are Amazon returns from 2020 — a disastrous year for every Jewish bookseller.  Amazon treats books about as well as your toddler, so a lot of them came back dinged up.  They’re still new, just not new enough to sell in a store, mostly corner dings.

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A concise modern children’s haggadah (very short seder if that’s what you’re looking for!), this is a great family haggadah for beginners or anyone who spends seder night with children. Illustrated in a cartoon style and written in a light humorous manner.

Look Inside the Book!

A Short and Sweet Haggadah That Does NOT Abbreviate The Fun!

A Children’s Haggadah?  YES!
A Family Haggadah?  YES!
A Concise Haggadah?  YES!

It’s chock full of cartoon drawings on its covers and on every page. There is a Moses cartoon strip, a map that shows how the Israelites got into Egypt and a double page Exodus spread that shows how they got out. The Four Children are instant classics as are the Frogs, Locusts, Vermin and all the other Plagues and there’s also the best Chad Gadya ever. And if that’s not enough, there are so many little drawings hidden in the borders, that we can’t count them all.

“No cartoonist can match Richard Codor for his whimsical sense of humor and his understanding of the Jewish world. His Haggadah promises to bridge the greatest divide in the Jewish world: between adults and children.”   — Alan M. Tigay, Executive Editor, Hadassah Magazine

“Jewish history wasn’t this funny since Mel Brooks “2000 Year Old Man.” Check out the Hebrew man tapping his foot nervously while waiting for the bread to rise in the convection oven while most of his tribe is already on the go. And, the little boy who just before crossing the Red Sea, stops to relieve himself near a cactus bush. And then there are the three Patriarchs (who knows three?) dancing the hora, and the four Matriarchs (who knows four?) doing the “walk like an Egyptian” move. My personal favorite is the Marx Brothers as the Four Sons — Groucho as the wise child and Harpo as the simple child. So why is this night different from all other nights? With this Haggadah on hand this night can be serious fun!”   — Hai Knafo (reviewer on amazon.com)

Additional information

Weight .48 lbs
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × .15 in

New $11.95, Damaged when available $5.38, Button Set $7.00

Haggadahs-R-Us | The Haggadah Store