B’Kol Echad


DISCOUNTS: 50 or more $3.00; 100 or more $2.75; 200 or more $2.50; 300 or more $2.25

This is the official bencher of USCY, the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism.  If you grew up in USY (United Synagogue Youth), this is the one you used.  And you probably loved it!

First published in 1983, it was slightly revised in 2009, with a cleaner layout, same pagination.

If you’re ordering for a simcha with imprint, please CALL US at 216-321-6734.  We recognize that every simcha is unique, and are happy to walk you through the process of figuring out what you want.  Or if you’re ready, download B’Kol-Echad-Order-Form and we’ll go from there.

To look at some sample layouts, download the B’Kol Echad Sampler.

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$3.25 basic price; $3.00 for 50-99; $2.75 for 100-199; $2.50for 300-299; $2.25 for 300 or more.

This is the all-white cover for B’Kol Echad, — suitable for imprint or stickering.

If you want a bencher with personalization/imprint, download B’Kol Echad Order Form.  Or call us at 216-321-6734.

If you want the blue-green cover edition, click here to order from Rowman & Littlefield.